Saturday, December 18, 2010

eXPerience-5_ Color Studies / Estudos de Cor

Hi! These are some character studies from XP-5.
The five main characters are portraied in this image.
At top-left we have two sketches of what could be the shape of the eXPerience-5.1 scholar spaceship.
The logo in the center is just a placeholder.

Oi! Estes são alguns estudos de personagens do XP-5.
Os cinco personagens principais estão retratados nessa imagem.
No topo, à esquerda, temos dois esboços do que por vir a ser a nave espacial escolar eXPerience-5.1.
A logo ao centro é provisória.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is the first illustration I show relative to my new personal project, eXPerience-5, or just XP-5.
The target audience is 7 to 12 years old children and any one who wants to know some new sci-fi stuff.
This project will be about space adventures, technical details of futuristic machinery, sustainability, puzzles, team work, aliens and asteroids!
My inspirations to this project are: Star Wars, Jake Parker, Professor Layton series, Cybercops, Changeman, Jaspion, Jiban, Ironman, Megaman and videogame culture.
Soon I'll bring some news.

Essa é a primeira ilustração que mostro do meu novo projeto pessoal, eXPerience-5, ou apenas XP-5.
O público alvo são crianças de 7 a 12 anos de idade e qualquer um que queira conhecer um novo material de ficção científica.
Esse projeto tratará de aventuras espaciais, detalhes técnicos sobre maquinário futurista, sustentabilidade, charadas, trabalho em equipe, alienígenas e asteróides!
Minhas inspirações para esse projeto são: Star Wars, Jake Parker, Professor Layton series, Cybercops, Changeman, Jaspion, Jiban, Ironman, Megaman e a cultura dos videogames.
Novidades em breve.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Michael Jackson The Experience for Nintendo DS Official Trailer.

Finnaly the official trailer for Nintendo DS version is revealed:

As I said before I modeled, rigged and animated the dancing Michael, and I worked together with Will Murai on texturing the character.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I was interviewed by a newspaper from Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, about my carrer as Game Artist.
In Portuguese:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Michael Jackson The Experience for Nintendo DS.

I'm so proud to announce that the most recent project I contributed: Michael Jackson The Experience for Nintendo DS.

Michael Jackson: The Experience (DS)

This is the link to Destructoid site, where you can see a video of somebody playing on Billie Jean stage direct form Tokyo Game Show:

I modeled, rigged and animated the dancing Michael, and I worked together with Will Murai on texturing the character.
I'm a MJ's fan since Bad, so working on a game that brings his name is a great thing for me.
The launches in november. Hope you all like it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Elephant And Macal Banner on Rede TV.

Elephant And Macal Banner on brazilian news show Leitura Dinâmica, Rede TV.
The images show lots of my artworks, and from other artists too, made for Christopher Kastensmidt's short-stories series.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Comicon Challenge 2010

Nice news! :)
Comicon Challenge 2010 has finaly begun and my Batman Black & White, 9th place from the first edition of the challenge, is in the oficial banner. XD

Thi time the challenge has a sugestion of theme, but it isn't mandatory. It's about representing a comic character with a diferent age of that it normaly is. Interesting!
Hope I can finish my entry in time this year.
See you there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

African Dragon_ Colored.

Colored version of African Dragon. Photoshop.

Thanks to Will Murai (twitter: @willmurai) for the painting hints! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

African Dragon_ Pencil.

Finnaly a new post after a long time. :)

African Dragon from the short stories series called The Elephant and Macaw Banner (twitter: @elephantmacaw) by Christopher Kastensmidt.

I've made this illustration in about 3 hours.